Friday, December 19, 2008

Friday pancakes

So today I went to lunch with two friends. We went to the Original Pancake House in Redondo Beach right near my house. I've been there like three times now and its officially my favorite place for pancakes. They are the best Ive ever had anywhere. Tonight my friend Meagan is throwing a party in a hotel bar in Marina Del Ray. She is somehow associated with the band that will be playing there. I really don't like bars over all but I will at least go see my friends band. I think she is the DJ or something. Oh and I came home and there was a package from my mom. Exciting stuff!! Now I cant wait to open it. That makes two odd boxes hanging around to make me curious.

Ive been thinking a lot lately during all my time alone. Mostly introspective stuff. I know... I know... how conceded!! lol, but seriously in the end Ive reallized that its just not so bad. I live in a cool place and I still have lots of family and friends. So I simply cant get a job... how many other people cant find jobs right now? I was talking to this beautiful guy who is about my age and works at Vons grocery store. He was saying that they have more applications recently than he has ever seen. Not just high school kids like your used to seeing either. Adults, some of whom have degrees and are asking for any position available. CRAZY!!!!

Anyways to rap it all up my new favorite saying: Just because I'm losing doesn't mean I'm lost. I totally ripped that off from this Coldplay song Lost!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

People are strange

I'm home alone for four days and only one person stops by to say hello. The day Pete comes home like five people call to see what I'm up to tonight. That just seems to be the way everything works for me.

So my old boss Kent from the deli that closed is now working from home in real estate. Anyways since he's been working from he has called a few times a week with a computer problem. Last time it was email settings. Today it was the wireless network. Anyways, the point is that I ended up hanging out with he and his wife the last two times I was over there. You never really get to know your employer usually. They seem a lot cooler when they're not your boss. Its cool to see them as regular people.

Anyways, what else? I'm so happy the rain has stopped and its warming up again. Ive never had to turn on the furnace here before this week. It's been a very uneventful week... mostly because of the rain.

Monday, December 15, 2008

My first official post!

I have never posted a blog before so please bear with me.
I was laid off from the restaurant that I was working at. This is nothing new; it
happened a few months ago. I have tried to get a new job off and on since then. It seems to be impossible. The restaurant that laid me off closed like a week ago and let go of their last 10-11 employees.
I have a friend in San Diego that I chat with online. He has his Bachelors degree and can't find a job in San Diego, Orange or LA county. He is considering a position teaching English in S Korea. A friend of mine that is about my age went and took the first step in signing up for the Navy today because he can't find a decent job in this area either. He, BTW, was a co-manager at the restaurant I worked at.
Another friend of mine that is about age is talking about rejoining the Army because he is a certified welder and can't find a job welding. Instead he is an airplane fueler at LAX. My point is that our economy is in the toilet and I am up the creek. But I am not alone. This problem is spread far and wide. GM is talking about closing the majority of their plants. CRAZY!!

Being unemployed I find myself with a lot of free time. I play with my cat Sammy a lot.
He is fat so I try to get him playing for exercise. I take a lot of bike rides on the strand here in Hermosa also which I have come to truly enjoy every time what with all the beautiful scenery and people. I try to catch the sunset from our roof as often as I can .I have started a big list of things I want to do around the house and I have checked quite a few things off. I spend a lot of time just hanging out with all my other unemployed friends. Mostly I just watch tv and play around online. It's rather depressing actually. Thus far today nobody has been by and I have not left the house. Furthermore I see no reason that I will after 8:30 at night. I have two more full days alone before Pete comes home. I may lose my mind if I dont go out and interact with somebody tommorow. I'll at least go for a ride on the strand.
I guess thats all I can offer for today. Let me know what you think. If anybody actually reads this blog that is to say.